Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Well, today I finally uploaded my pics from the Biggest Loser casting call. The whole process leading to that day in Dallas was a growth experience and made me seriously examine where my value lies...which leads me to the knowledge that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I love the idea that imperfections, mistakes, warts and all, God loves me and has chosen me to be His child.
So, as today was not the most positive day in my weightloss journey, it is the Grace of God that allows me to look back on this day with the knowledge that I even if I have not been as successful as I had longed to be, God loves me anyway and will strengthen me to do better tomorrow.
So, where does that leave me at this moment? Blessed! Truly Blessed. And my prayer this day is that you know that God designed you perfectly, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and His child. You too are blessed!
With a resolve to do the next right thing tomorrow, I bid you all a goodnight.

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