Monday, August 29, 2011

Good but not perfect?

So, I have managed to get through Day 1. But, that being said, I usually get through Day's usually the Day's after about 10 that I start to struggle.
I did manage an hour on the elliptical...yea! I also did 1/2 mile swim and 1/2 hour of water aerobics. I had planned to do a night workout but allowed my daughter to distract me. I may still get a Swiss Ball workout in when I finish this blog.
On the food front, I was ambushed by a bowl of Cheeseburger Mac...but, I kept to my plan for the rest of the day so I refuse to let that one slip totally derail me.
So, it was a good day overall. Still got some work to do but moving forward.
On this day I would like to share this thought with you from Jillian Michaels...good time I think:
Life is in the Journey
Life is in the journey, not the destination, so do what you can and take it one day at a time. Go slow, do it right, and make your changes permanent — then help out others who are where you were
So, have you started on a journey? Are you moving forward or are you simply standing still unsure which direction to move?

Move...just move! The Father will direct you...


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