Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'll become even more undignified than this...

So, not my best day but some great things came out of it. I found out today that my very favorite uncle passed away. He was the closest link to my dad and now he's dancing and laughing with my dad in the grandness that happens when we leave these earthly bodies, but man that sucks for those of us who loved him so...
I was kinda off all day. I never really got into a groove and felt all day like I was running to catch up. I didn't get to the gym this morning and I started to beat myself up about it but then thought I can't let small things cause me to fall apart. I did manage to get in a good core routine with the Swiss Ball and a couple of hand weights this evening and I plan to get back to the gym tomorrow. I've got to figure out a schedule and routine that will work.
I'll be totally honest though, my first thought was to just curl up in my favorite "mom" chair, open a box of milk duds and veg in front of my soaps that will be off the air too soon. But I chose instead to do the next right thing. I kept my eating in check and moved at least some today.
I had a wonderful meeting with a beautiful woman whose courage and heart simply amaze me and with whom I hope to develop a lasting friendship and partnership in ministry. And that is where the title for today stems from...the idea that I will become even more undignified than this...It's a great song but also a great life lesson. I will do what is asked, I will respond to the call regardless of looks, and frankly anyone who has seen me on the elliptical can attest that I am anything but dignified.
I am an avid reader. I will read just about anything from cheesy romance to serious theological discussion, to totally entertaining biographies...you name it, I will likely read it given the opportunity. Currently I am in the midst of reading 3 books...well more like 6 but 3 that I am seriously reading.
The first I began because I saw someone tweet about it, and it sounded interesting so I downloaded it to my old school ipod which shows about 3 lines per page. It is called One Thousand Gifts. A good read but not what I am going to talk about today. The second I began because my daughter was reading it and kept mentioning it and I wanted to know what she was talking about and it is called Crazy Love by Fancis Chan. An awesome read and one that really has one examine the relationship she has with Christ. But the one I want to address today is called Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. I actually fell into this book through a free book download of a devotional called Craving God. This book is a wonderful read for those of us who are struggling with an obsession with food, dieting, etc. God made us to crave but he made us to crave him...what are you craving? Where is your focus, your energy, your time, thoughts, desires... Good question huh? I know it was for me and I had to stop and really begin to examine the answers. I knew they were not the answers God asked from me but I also knew they were answers he knew already.
Time for a Paradigm shift: No more craving the things of this world...food, security, thin bodies, comfort from things...
I am tired...tired of dieting, tired of starting only to fail days or weeks later, tired of always craving and never being satisfied.
Time to become completely undignified in worship and praise for the one who loves me just as I am and wants me to love him with abandon.
So, on this day my challange to you is one that was shared in Made to Crave:
Use your cravings for food as promptings to prayer. You'll pray more, eat less which is a win win situation.

1 comment:

  1. I will dance
    I will sing
    To be mad
    For my King
    Nothing Lord
    Is hindering
    This passion in my soul

    And I'll become
    Even more undignified than this
    Some may say
    It's foolishness
    But I'll become
    Even more undignified than this
    Leave my pride
    By my side
    And I'll become
    Even more undignified than this
    Some may say
    It's foolishness
    But I'll become
    Even more undignified than this
    Than this

    La, la, la, la, la, HEY!
    La, la, la, la, la
    La, la, la, la, la, HEY!
    La, la, la, la, la
